Get to Know: Norfolk based Indie band Read the Room

My next interview is with an emerging Indie Pop, punk and rock band Read the Room. The band are from Norfolk, UK and bring a fusion of pop/rock alternative sound to their music. They debuted with a single Jade and have released their debut EP A Place Like No Other. Read on to learn more about their musical journey, from the very beginning!
Read the Room
How did Read the Room begin? Share your musical journey from the very beginning.

Read The Room are a pop-punk-rock-emo-ish alt rock band centred in Norwich UK, but hail from around the county.  No tale of fate pulling us together for our formation I’m afraid, this is mostly an online affair.  Elle posted that she was a drummer new to the area looking for a new project, and I (Dan, bass) was very impressed with her playing examples, so I cobbled together a few demo ideas. The guitarists Adam and Alex were also found online, while I knew the vocalist, Alana, from a previous covers band.
Was it difficult establishing the band? Were there any hurdles you had to overcome?
Our first rehearsal went really well, we knocked around a few covers and got a feel for how we play. Although the less said about our impromptu attempt at Basket Case the better! It took a while to get a set of originals together, not for musical difficulty but simple that five people with busy lives can pose a scheduling challenge – but we got there.
Read the Room is a fairly popular phrase. How did it become the band name?
We can’t exactly remember when the name cropped up, but one of us said it sarcastically during a session and it stuck. It’s so hard to come up with a good name that isn’t already taken, but we think we have a good one here.  Looks good on a gig poster too!
Your sound is a mix of pop, punk and rock. What drew you to these particular genres of music?
We all grew up big fans of pop punk, emo, and alternative rock, and while our combined taste developed into and covers a wide range from deep house to jazz fusion, the centre of the Venn diagram of our taste is the sound you hear. While we have a mutual love of 90s/2000s rock, we each bring an interest in differing genres to the table, pulling our sound in a direction that none of us would have achieved individually. Simply, it’s fun to write and perform, and we hope fun to listen to.
You’ve recently released your debut EP A Place Like No Other. Can you share the story behind the EP and what the process was like putting it together?
The EP is a mix of ideas, every member of the band wrote the core of at least one track, and we’re very pleased that something coherent emerged from that process! It was recorded at Dan’s home studio over the summer, so we could keep a relaxed atmosphere and try different things out without watching the clock.
Who are your favourite music artists and or influences?
Our favourite artists in common include Paramore, Biffy Clyro, Blink 182, Don Broco, and Fall Out Boy. Same answer for our dream festival line up.
Any teasers on your forthcoming projects?
We recently filmed a live session playing through the EP, which will hit YouTube soon. We’re working on a few new tracks at the moment too, so keep your ears ready for 2024.

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